Saturday, February 6, 2016

essential oils

Plants are mainly made of carbon and water. We are mainly made of carbon and water. Plants have no defense mechanisms. They cannot run, hide, or walk away from illness or disease. They resort to creating their own defense mechanism: oil. Each plant has an oil that protects them from the harmful toxins in their environment to ensure survival. If we have a similar water and carbon make-up wouldn't it make sense that these oils would help to protect our bodies as well? 

This past summer I began acupuncture sessions 3-4 times a month. I was having trouble sleeping and wanted to improve my overall health. The first session I had was transformative. I remember this feeling of extreme peace and relaxation flowing through my body. Through my acupuncturist (the great Teresa Sohoni for those in So Cal), I was introduced to doTERRA essential oils. She used Serenity for each of my treatments and I felt like I was on cloud nine after my appointments. I purchased my first doTERRA bottle from her and I have yet to look back. 

My friend, Megan, posted how she became a doTERRA user around the same time and now she has created this wonderful platform to help those around her. I purchased the Home Essentials kit (plus a few extras) from her and have been in heaven ever since. My favorite part of the kit has to be the diffuser. I use it just about every day and it is so great. I am hoping to purchase one for my car and classroom sometime this year. 

As I continue to become more familiar with essential oils, I will share some great diffuser blends, roller ball blends, and oil how-to's. Please keep your eyes peeled if this is something that catches your interest. 

xoxo Amanda

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